Bitch Judge Critique : Dr Andi Hudono (Harmonic Dobermanns)
I would like to thank The Dobermann Club committee for inviting me to judge their Championship Show. I am happy to see improvement in the head quality in the breed compared to when I last judged 3 years ago. More parallel head planes, darker eyes, better eye shape, stronger jaws. Still maintaining the very good front and hind angulations with very good feet. The quality overall has improved, many excellent dobermanns were not placed. In my opinion the top dobermanns in the UK will be able to compete in Europe. I had a wonderful time, judging many excellent dobermanns, meeting old and new friends. Hope to see you all again in the future.
Best Regards
Dr. Andi Hudono / Harmonic Dobermann
Veteran Bitch (6, 1ab)
1st Mrs J and Miss V Ingram's CH/LUx CH Jojavik Gangsters Moll JW. 7.5 years red female, excellent type with very nice balanced outline, in a very good condition for her age. Strong yet elegance with beautiful head and expression. Excellent front and hind quarter, strong top line. Moved well.
2nd Mrs E Balshaw's CH Janzins Jamelia JW ShCM. 8 years black tan female of excellent quality. Very good condition for her age. Nice head and expression. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well.
Minor Puppy Bitch (4)
1st Miss T Feeney's Jojavik Belle de Jour. 6.5 months very promising black and tan female. Excellent breed type. She has an excellent head and expression, dark eyes with correct eye shape, parallel head plane, long muzzle and strong but yet feminine. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line. Good substance. Moved well with very good drive. BEST PUPPY BITCH.
2nd Mesdames Sheldon, Snell, Caldicott, Webb, Cross and Sterling's Amazon Halo. 7 months black and tan female, another very promising puppy. Excellent breed type, compact and stylish. Very good head and feminine expression. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved wee with drive.
Puppy Bitch (7, 1ab)
1st Mr Smith and Mrs Boncey's Taevas No Ordinary Love with Ourouse. 9 months black tan female very promising, excellent breed type with very good head and expression. Square with good substance. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well.
2nd Ms S Thorn's Taevas Black Velvet at Grafmax. 9 months black tan female very promising pup apparently from the same litter, excellent breed type with very good head and expression. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well.
Junior Bitch ( 9, 1ab)
1st Mrs S Mycroft's Supeta's Spells Trouble JW. 16 months black tan of excellent type. Balanced, well put together, very sylish and has lovely temperament. She has a very good head and expression. Excellent front and hind quarter with strong top line, moved well with powerful drive.
2nd Mrs J And Miss V Ingram's Jojavik Constanzia. 13 months. Red strong and compact with excellent type. Very good head and expression. Very good front and hind quarter with strong top line, moved well.
Yearling Bitch (7, 1ab)
1st Mrs J and Miss V Ingram's Jojavik Poison Ivy JW. 13 months black and tan beautiful female, outstanding quality with superb outline. Excellent head and keen expression, dark eyes with correct shape. Powerful well muscled body. Excellent front and hind quarter, with nice forechest. Strong top line which she hold on the move with powerful drive. Lovely temperament. A female to watch in the future.
2nd Miss L Wright's Amazon Faberge with Sealandair JW. 20 months black tan, another excellent quality female. Very good outline with very good head and keen expression. Strong but yet feminine. Excellent front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well with powerful drive.
Novice Bitch (9, 2ab)
1st Miss T Feeney's Jojavik Belle de Jour. 2nd Mr Smith and Mrs Boncey's Taevas No Ordinary Love with Ourouse.
Undergraduate Bitch (6, 4ab)
1st Mrs J and Miss V Ingram's Jojavik Constanzia. 2nd Mr T Law and Mrs S Graham's Sharhyste Razzle Shazzle at Heatherlands. 2 years black tan, very nice type and balance. Nice head and expression. Good front and hind quarter. Top line strong enough. Moved well.
Post Graduate Bitch (11) 1st Mr P and Mrs A Richardson's Jasprico Kokorico JW ShCM. 2 years black and tan, very impressive female of excellent quality. She has a very nice head and keen expression. Excellent front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well with good drive.
2nd Mrs M Heffernan's Ruzuna Blazing Amazing JW. 2 years black and tan, very sylish female of excellent quality. Square and balance. Excellent front and hind quarter with good top line. Moved well with good drive.
Limit Bitch (12, 2ab) 1st Mr P Tuckley and Miss T Daley's Supeta's Witchfire. 3 years black and tan, female of excellent quality. Balance with beautiful outline. Powerful well muscled body. Excellent head and feminine expression. Excellent front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well with good drive.
2nd Mrs C Parker's Eilan Fabulous Freda (Imp). 3 years black tan female, another excellent quality. Balance. Excellent head type and expression. Very good front and hind angulation with strong top line. Moved well.
Open Bitch (14, 1ab)
1st Mrs J and Miss V Ingram's Jojavik Molly Mobster JW ShCM. 2.5 years black tan, outstanding beautiful female, with excellent breed type. Lively temperament. Powerful, well muscled, well put together with superb outline. Excellent head with very good head plane, well filled under the eyes, strong long clean muzzle with good under jaw. Excellent keen feminine expression with dark eyes and correct eye shape. Excellent front and hind quarter, good construction throughout. Strong top line. Moved well with powerful drive. Pleased to award her BITCH CC.
2nd Mr R Downie's Ch Gaindyke Eureka (Imp Fra). 5 years black tan female, full of quality with excellent breed type. Powerful and well constructed. Excellent temperament. She has an excellent head, parallel head plane, well filled under the eyes, long and strong muzzle with good under jaw, excellent expression with dark eyes and correct eye shape. Excellent front and hind quarter with strong top line. Moved well with good drive. Pleased to award her RES BITCH CC.
BItch CC
Jojavik Molly Mobster JW ShCM
Reserve Bitch CC
CH Gaindyke Eureks (Imp
Best Puppy Bitch
Jojavik Belle de Jour
The Dobermann Club Championship Show 2014
Dog Judge Critique : Mr John Purnell
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge this popular show held in their own venue. It was great to see the pictures in the club house of past champions of the breed as I have had an interest in the breed since the early seventies and have owned two bitches of my own, my last one died at fifteen years of age.
I was very pleased with the exhibits, I had some very hard decisions to make. I was very impressed with the dentition on the day, some pearly whites on show by most exhibits. On the day I was looking for a correctly balanced dog which was elegant to look at but also capable of doing the job it was bred to do and was able to move with plenty of drive and ring presence retaining back line and moving straight back and front. I was pleased with my placings.
Veteran Dog (1)
1st Mr and Mrs Robertson's Road Sweeper Trigger at Cockneyoka. 9year old dog well angulated, good forechest, nice reach of neck, well marked example, moved well retaining back line, moved straight back and front. Nice example for age, still in good order.
Minor Puppy Dog (4, 1ab)
1st Mrs G Wilkinson's Newfords Jabbawocky. Nice square puppy with good depth of chest, nice level back line with correct tailset. Well angulated, good reach of neck, nicely balanced head, moved well.
2nd Mr and Mrs Fisher's Jojavik Elite Mafia. Good forechest, nice length of neck, good well balanced head well marked example lacking in depth at the moment and not quite got his act together yet a bit unsteady on the move.
Puppy Dog (7, 2ab)
1st Ms T Reid's Nerak American Idol. 9 months old, nice size square dog good depth of chest, well angulated, lovely reach of neck, nice head qualities, good level back line with correct tailset, well marked, moved with plenty of drive and ring presence.
2nd Mrs A Goodwin's Satinea Alonzo. 11 months old brown/tan with good depth of chest, lovely long graceful neck with correct balanced head. Well angulated, nicely marked example, moved well.
Junior Dog (9, 1ab) 1st Edwards and Moloy's Tevro D'Vine's Last Heir to Wintablizzard (Imp USA). 17 months old black and tan. Good tight elbows to brisket, nice depth of chest, well angulated. Good tight feet, nice forechest well balanced head, moved best in class plenty of reach and rear drive. 2nd Jojavik Deadly Nightshade. Good size, nice depth of chest, well angulated, good forechest, well marked example. Good reach of neck, nice well balance head, moved well.
Yearling Dog (7, 1ab) 1st Mrs J and Miss V Ingram's Jojavik Midnight Express JW ShCM. 13 months old. Lovely square dog with good depth of chest with well developed forechest, tight feet, lovely head and expression, good level back line with correct tailset, well marked example with plenty of drive and ring presence.
2nd Mrs A Goodwin's Sant Kreal Certero of Satinea (Imp Rus). 20 months old. Good depth of chest, nice forefront, well marked, lovely balanced head, well angulated, straight back and front, moved well.
Novice Dog (5)
1st Jojavik Deadly Nightshade. Second in last class, see above.
2nd Mr and Mrs Sharpe's Martifers Pot Noodle.13 months old. Straight back and front, well angulated, lovely reach of neck, head of correct proportions, well marked example.
Undergraduate Dog (4)
1st Mr R Downie's Knecht Marek. 18 months old black and tan. Nice square dog, lovely level back with correct tailset, well angulated, straight front and back, lovely reach of neck, well balanced head, nicely marked, moved with plenty of drive and ring presence.
2nd Mr and Mrs Sharpe's Martifers Pot Noodle. Second in last class, see above.
Post Graduate Dog (3, 1ab)
1st Graham and Richardson's Jasprico Midnight Runner with Sharhyste. 2 years old. Black and Tan of good overall balance, good forechest, nice depth of chest, well angulated, straight back and front, head in balance with body, nicely marked, moved well.
2nd Mrs S Caldicott's Amazon Russian Roulette with Philmont JW. 22 months old. Well angulated, good depth of chest, nice reach of neck, good quality head, straight back and front, moved well.
Limit Dog (14, 2ab)
1st Mr and Mrs Richardson's Jasprico Jazz Master Flash JW ShCM. 2 year old, lovely depth of chest, nice level back line with correct tailset, straight back and front, head in balance with body, nicely marked, moved well.
2nd Mrs M Young's Malibray Lagavulin. 3 years old. Good forechest, nice tight feet, lovely well balanced head, good depth of chest, level back line with correct tailset, moved with plenty of drive and ring presence, nice example.
Open Dog (11, 2ab)
1st Ms J Sanderson's CH Aritaur Cardinal Red at Jodaseen ShCM. 3 years old brown/tan, lovely forechest, nice tight feet, good reach of neck, lovely balanced head, straight front and back, nice tight chest to elbow, moved with plenty of reach and rear drive covered the area well giving a nice free and balanced movement, lovely example of the breed.
2nd Mrs A L Jones' CH Amazon Russian Ice JW. 5 years old black/tan, good depth of chest, well angulated, straight back and front, good forechest, nice well balanced head , well marked example, moved well.
Challenge Certificate Dog
Jasprico Jazz master Flash JW ShCM. Also awarded Best in Show after the referee being called in as both me and the bitch judge found it hard to make a decision over two good examples of the breed.
Reserve Challenge Certificate Dog : Jojavik Midnight Express JW ShCM
Best Puppy Dog : Nerak American Idol
Challenge Certificate Bitch : Jojavik Molly Mobster JW ShCM Reserve Challenge Certificate Bitch : CH Gaindyke Eureka (Imp Fra)
Dog Judge. John Purnell