Sunday 9th September 2018

Judge: Mrs M Bryant

Best In Show

The Dobermann Club Rosette

CH Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JW ShCM

I would not be telling the truth if I said I hadn’t heard of this bitch, but I have never put my hands on her thank you for giving me the pleasure, I am sure that I can say nothing that has not been said a thousand times before, she is truly lovely, everything that I was looking for in a Dobermann Bitch, she is a class act, ultra feminine but with substance, oozes breed type and quality, I could go on but suffice to say I loved her and had no hesitation in making her Best Bitch and then Best in Show.

Reserve Best In Show

Jojavik Forget Me Not JW ShCM

Not sure I will forget her, just loved her so completely feminine loved her head and expression correct construction good body proportions moved so soundly with good reach and drive, needs in my opinion to mature on a little

Best Puppy In Show

Swnydwr Wassap

What a stunning baby of just 6 months, so much promise, Liked his head for his age, ratios are different at the moment but when he matures it will be terrific, lovely dark eyes of the correct shape good dentition with the blackest pigmentation well set ears which hang correctly lovely reach of neck into a correct front with so much room for growth, lovely body proportions and showing a slight spring of rib already, strong back end which once he settled he knew how to drive with. Lovely puppy, was told afterwards this is his first show hope his lucky owner carries on with him, not owner handled but boy his handler got the best out of him delighted to award him BPD and Best Puppy in Show.

Reserve Best Puppy In Show

Jojavik Devil’s Ivy

6 months old and must be a star of the future, just loved her such good breed type, pretty feminine head lovely ear set dark correct yes good dentition blackest pigmentation correct reach of neck into well laid shoulders true front with room for expansion, good bone correct tight catlike feet, well constructed body which can only get better strong driving rear end Best Puppy Bitch, sadly not owner handled in the run off for Best Puppy.

Best Veteran In Show

CH Woodbriar Luciano JW ShCM

What a dog to start with, just loved him 8.5 years old but he is retaining his years well, substantial boy of great type, loved his head and expression correct ears which he know how to use, good dentition tight flews, lovely reach of neck into the best of shoulders and a lovely front with heart room, good bone correct cat like feet. Lovely body proportions good spring of rib carrying the correct amount of weight and oh boy what a powerful backend, such great front and rear drive. Well handled had no hesitation in making him my Best Dog and Best veteran in Show.

Class Entries & Results

Best Dog
CH Woodbriar Luciano JW ShCM
Reserve Best Dog
Shalissa’s Seriously Costly (AI) JW
Best Puppy Dog
Swnydwr Wassap

Veteran Dog

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1st Mr M and Mrs D Sansbury and Mrs T Pilgrim’s CH Woodbriar Luciano JW ShCM

Minor Puppy Dog

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1st Mrs A Samway’s Swnydwr Wassap
2nd Mrs A A Elliott’s Jojavik Peaky Blinder
3rd Mr A and Mrs D Turrell’s Newfords Xhibitionist at Tilnasia

Puppy Dog

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1st Mr A and Mrs D Turrell’s Newfords Xhibitionist at Tilnasia

Junior Dog

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1st Mrs R and Mr T Grace & Lawson’s Nerak Wot A Dream

Yearling Dog

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1st Mrs A Orrell’s Shalissa Siriusly Nutty

Novice Dog

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1st Mr A and Mrs D Turrell’s Newfords Xhibitionist at Tilnasia
2nd Mrs J and D Remington’s Granadeya Monte Bianco

Undergraduate Dog

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Postgraduate Dog

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1st Miss L Wright’s Amazon American Graffiti with Sealandair
2nd Mrs Y Bevans’s Khaneve Benidict
3rd Mrs J and D Remington’s Granadeya Monte Bianco

Limit Dog

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1st Mrs L Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly (AI) JW
2nd Mr D and Mrs T Pilgrim’s Woodbriar Fix Up Look Sharp JW ShCM
3rd Mrs M C Heffernan’s Avamer Ethan

Open Dog

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1st Mrs T Reid’s CH Korifey Brave (AI) JW
Best Bitch
CH Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JW ShCM
Reserve Best Bitch
Jojavik Forget Me Not JW ShCM
Best Puppy Bitch
Jojavik Devil’s Ivy

Veteran Bitch

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1st Mrs J A and Miss V L Ingram’s CH Tronjheim Belladonna from Jojavik JW ShCM

Minor Puppy Bitch

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1st Mrs J A and Miss V L Ingram’s Jojavik Devil’s Ivy
2nd Mrs T Pilgrim’s Swnydwr Snapchat at Woodbriar
3rd Mrs J Brock’s Supeta’s Wild at Heart with Truvel

Puppy Bitch

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3 (3 abs)

Junior Bitch

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1st Mrs T M Tousent and Misses J and V Ingram’s Jojavik Camorra

Yearling Bitch

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1st Mrs L Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Stunin (AI) JW
2nd Mr P and Mrs S Coster’s Arenite Born Gifty at Rocster

Novice Bitch

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1st Mrs T Pilgrim’s Swnydwr Snapchat at Woodbriar

Undergraduate Bitch

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1st Mrs T M Tousent and Misses J and V Ingram’s Jojavik Camorra

Postgraduate Bitch

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Limit Bitch

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1st Mrs J A and Miss V L Ingram’s Jojavik Forget Me Not JW ShCM
2nd C Evans, M Pittendrigh and J Bloore’s Amazon Let Me Love You

Open Bitch

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1st Mrs J A and Miss V L Ingram’s CH Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JW ShCM
2nd Mrs A A Elliott’s Khaneve Adoration

Judges Critique

Mrs M Bryant

Firstly I must give the committee of this Club the biggest thank you for asking me to judge at their 70th Anniversary Show and for the amazing hospitality given to me it was incredible from the moment I arrived to the moment I left, and another big thank you for the beautiful engraved hurricane lamp you gave me I will treasure it candles are a must in this house!
To the exhibitors thank you for your entries and your sportsmanship at my decisions, I so enjoyed judging your dogs.
Truthfully today for me I found more depth of type in the bitches, but I had no badly constructed dogs, obviously I liked certain aspects in different dogs on which I made my decisions having said that my winners pleased me, thank you again.
Veteran Dog (1)
1.Stansbury and Pilgrim ChWoodbriar Luciano JW ShCM
What a dog to start with, just loved him 8.5 years old but he is retaining his years well, substantial boy of great type, loved his head and expression correct ears which he know how to use, good dentition tight flews, lovely reach of neck into the best of shoulders and a lovely front with heart room, good bone correct cat like feet. Lovely body proportions good spring of rib carrying the correct amount of weight and oh boy what a powerful backend, such great front and rear drive. Well handled had no hesitation in making him my Best Dog and Best veteran in Show
Minor Puppy (3)
1st Samways Swyndwr Wassap
What a stunning baby of just 6 months, so much promise, Liked his head for his age, ratios are different at the moment but when he matures it will be terrific, lovely dark eyes of the correct shape good dentition with the blackest pigmentation well set ears which hang correctly lovely reach of neck into a correct front with so much room for growth, lovely body proportions and showing a slight spring of rib already, strong back end which once he settled he knew how to drive with. Lovely puppy, was told afterwards this is his first show hope his lucky owner carries on with him, not owner handled but boy his handler got the best out of him delighted to award him BPD and Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Elliott Jojavik Peaky Blinder
Another nice baby who took time to settle, much to like about him, a most promising head with everything as I hoped to find it, darkest of eyes good ear set, correct reach of neck good body maybe carrying a tad too much weight did not use his correctly made rear drive enough. This something I never thought I would ever say having owned a docked breed for years, but as this boy was docked I really had to think about the tail set and how it would hang, a good challenge for me, promising boy hope owner will give him the time to mature.
3rd Turrell Newfords Xhibitionist at Tilnasia
Much bigger type than the two above him, but well within the breed standard, just 8 months old well balanced head correct eyes for his colour, just felt he was a little bit withdrawn into himself, he had good body proportions and I am sure when he gets his confidence he will move out well, very well and kindly handled.
Puppy Dog (2)
1st TNXat T
Junior Dog(2)
1st Grace and Lawson Nerak What A Dream
Boy of 18 months with a good head and expression and dentition and pigmentation correct, dark eyes well set ears nice reach of neck into good shoulders front is correct but I would like to have seen tighter feet, well made body with a good spring of rib, rear end slightly loose when moving and could look a little loose in hock, but I am sure this should improve with maturity and correct exercise.
Yearling Dog (1)
1st Orrell Shalissa Siriusly Nutty
18 month old well grown on youngster, strong head with a good expression, eyes within the permitted range, good dentition, good reach of neck into correct shoulders which gave him a good front with chest room, for me feet need to be tighter correct ratio of body length moved out but hocks a little loose
Novice dog (2)
1st TNX at T
2nd Remington Granadeya Monte Bianco
Another boy whose head I really liked strong and masculine with everything in its correct place, he is a very raw youngster and both he and his handler were at their first show, he has a well balance body of correct proportions but sadly today I could not really assess his rear drive, but with guidance and practice this can only get better.
Undergraduate dog (0)
Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st Wright Amazon American Graffiti with Sealander
2 year old male well grown on with plenty of bone and substance strong correct head ears teeth and pigmentation good eyes dark but showing slightly too much pink in the corners today which for me spoilt the overall expression
Good strong front with heart room tight correct feet, well bodied good spring of rib moved true coming and going
2nd Bevans Ghaneve Benidict
I loved this boy in profile he scored in head and expression, correctly made body slightly restricted in rear movement but not sure this was his fault, but for me the overall picture was spoilt by his over curly tail
Limit Dog (4)
1st Webb Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly (AI) JW
When I first looked at this boy he reminded me of the type of build that American Rottweiler’s have and I was told later that he is an American type, so that made me smile. I had to think about him a great deal, because he is such a different type, I found him heavier in head than I prefer, but everything else in the head was correct, and I loved his expression, he is very well constructed has great bone and substance lovely spring of rib and strong driving rear end so although larger he was within the height range and I thought he had a lot going for him thank you for giving me the chance and taking me out of my comfort zone.
2nd Pilgrim Woodbriar Fix Up Look Sharp
These two boys made me think if I could change bits off both of them wow Another male I really liked fabulous in profile, loved his head and expression, liked everything about his construction but today he was just not driving out like the one above.
3rd Heffner Avemer Ethan
In profile this dog looked good, he was easy to go over strong correct head good dark eyes dentition correct ears carried well lovely reach of neck into a good front and correctly balanced body, as discussed with his handler I was unable to judge his movement as he was restricted by the speed he could go.
Open Dog (2)
1st Reid Ch Korifey Brave
A dog with so much to like about him, loved his correct head and expression, good ear set correct reach of neck I thought him a little upright in shoulder which slightly affected his front reaching movement, and made him for me look long, strong back end, but I didn’t see the reach and drive I look for.
Veteran Bitch (1)
1st Ingram Ch Tronheim Belladonna from Jojavik JW ShCM
What an ambassador for your breed at 9.5 years old she still has the wow factor, I just liked everything about her, including her ring presence, she moved like a dream for her handler, but unfortunately did not move out as freely when challenging for Best Veteran which cost her to loose out to the dog
Minor Puppy Bitch (4)
1st Ingrams Jojavic Devil‘s Ivy
6 months old and must be a star of the future, just loved her such good breed type, pretty feminine head lovely ear set dark correct yes good dentition blackest pigmentation correct reach of neck into well laid shoulders true front with room for expansion, good bone correct tight catlike feet, well constructed body which can only get better strong driving rear end Best Puppy Bitch, sadly not owner handled in the run off for Best Puppy.
2nd Pilgrim Swnydwr Snapchat at Woodbriar
I see she is a litter sister of my Best Puppy, what a nice litter, very pretty feminine head with a great expression lovely dark eyes good mouth, well set ears nice length of neck into a well made and balanced body slightly unsettled on the move but she did put in a few true paces one to watch
3rdBrock Supeta’sWild At Heart with Truvel
Slightly older girl, pretty feminine head with a kind expression, good reach of neck but for me slightly upright in shoulder, which again spoilt her front reach, movement not as positive as two above her.
Puppy Bitch (3)
All absent
Junior Bitch (2)
1st Tousent & Ingram Jojavik Camorra
Prehaps this is a lesson for future judges, I first saw this young lady when she was about 12 weeks old, and I must confess I did not understand her at all, maybe it would be a good idea to see other breeds when they are young. However I understand her now, and what a lovely young lady she has turned out to be, very pretty and feminine head everything correct, lovely expression, well made throughout with the most lovely cat like feet, good body proportions and balance did not disappoint on the move another one I will watch.
Yearling Bitch (3)
1st Webb Shalissa’s Siriusly Stunning AI JW
Love the name, inventive spelling, larger girl but very well balanced litter sister to my limit dog winner so I now understand why, strong head which remains feminine, all the correct attributes lovely expression, well constructed throughout and she moved truly with good drive
2nd Costers Arenite Born Gifty at Rochester
My notes read lovely elegant bitch with so much going for her, loved her head and expression well constructed just not together on the move.
Novice Bitch (2)
1st Pilgrims SSAW
Undergraduate bitch (2)
1st T&I JC
Post Graduate (0)
Limit Bitch (4)
1stIngram Jojavik Forget Me Not B/T
Not sure I will forget her, just loved her so completely feminine loved her head and expression correct construction good body proportions moved so soundly with good reach and drive, needs in my opinion to mature on a little
2nd Evans Amazon Let Me Love You B/T
17 months old and another really lovely bitch, very feminine throughout, lovely head and expression the darkest of eyes well constructed body of good proportions for me today she did not have the front reach of one but another day who knows
Open Bitch Ingram Ch Jojavic Penelope Pit Stop JW ShCM B/
I would not be telling the truth if I said I hadn’t heard of this bitch, but I have never put my hands on her thank you for giving me the pleasure, I am sure that I can say nothing that has not been said a thousand times before, she is truly lovely, everything that I was looking for in a Dobermann Bitch, she is a class act, ultra feminine but with substance, oozes breed type and quality, I could go on but suffice to say I loved her and had no hesitation in making her Best Bitch and then Best in Show
2nd Elliott Khaneve Adoration Brown/tan
Very honest five your old bitch who is well constructed throughout with a feminine head and true expression, strong steady movement ‘
Maggi Bryant

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