Thanks to Committee and exhibitors for a good day. I was pleased with the entry, and with the quality of a number of exhibits. Shame that some had to go home with just their class wins as they were worthy of more. Most exhibits were well presented, some were a little “soft†and may benefit from good hard exercise rather than just free running.
Best in Show: Wall's Dobehaven Atlantic Storm
Reserve Best in Show: Jones' Ch Korifey Black Diamond
Best Puppy In Show: Jones' Korifey Envy JW
Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Reids' Korifey Brave
Class 1, Veteran (0,0)
Class 2,Minor Puppy Dog (0,0)
Class 3,Puppy Dog (2,2)
1st Reids' Korifey Brave 11mth B/T dog presenting a very clean outline. Good size, colouration good. Angulation ok fore and aft. Movement steady. Reserve Best puppy in Show, and litter brother to BPIS, what a nice litter!
2nd Flowers' Sant Horatio of Chopitea Good markings and nice clean head on this short coupled dog. Front assembly on this young man was looser than on winner that showed up on the move, may tighten as he ma-tures.
Class 4, Junior Dog (6,5)
1st Walls' Dobehaven Atlantic Storm Liked this boy as soon as he walked in to the ring. Very stylish 15mth Br/T. Lovely head with good shape and colour to his eyes, good expression. Clean strong neck, good angulation fore and aft, solid topline when standing and on the move. Steady mover, straight and true. Pleased to give him a first place card and later Best Dog and Best in Show.
2nd Reids' Korifey Brave
3rd Rodgers Aritaur Jamaica Me Crazy at Nolatari
Class 5, Yearling Dog (0,0)
Class 6, Novice Dog (0,0)
Class 7,Undergraduate Dog(1,1)
1st Hopkinsons' Otago Gotta Be Me This Lad was a little unsettled to start with but settled better after moving. Colouration good, and size ok on this short backed dog.
Class 8,Post Graduate Dog (3,2)
1st Rodgers'Aritaur Jamaica me Crazy at Nolatari 15mth Br/T, short cou-pled dog. Good Head and eye, nice overall shape, very balanced looking dog. Clean overall with nice easy movement.
2nd Hopkinsons, Otago Gotta Be Me
Class 9. Limit Dog (1,0)
Class 10. Open Dog (1,1)
Tylers' Jojavik Bulletproof Bomb JW B/T good size dog with lots of quality about him. Head ok with good eye shape. lovely overall body shape and good angulation fore and aft. Colouration also good. Lost out for best dog as I felt movement on this boy was a little looser in front than on my ulti-mate winner. Reserve Best Dog.
Class 11. Veteran Bitch (1,0)
Class 12. Minor Puppy Bitch (4,4)
1st Evans Cowley and Lacks'Amazon Drop It Like Its Hot 6mth B/T baby, good overall shape and well schooled for showing! Clean outline, good depth and angles. Pleasing head, lacking a little in underjaw but sure that will develop more with age. A little irratic on the move but very pleasing overall.
2nd Granadeya Aosta Very similar attributes to 1, clean overall with good head and eye. A little fidgety but only a baby. Watch the weight on this baby!
3rd Robinsons' Aritaur Nevada
Class13. Puppy Bitch (5,5)
1st Jones' Korifey Envy 11mth B/T of good size. Very clean tidy looking bitch. Nice angulation and very clean picture. Good head and eye, nice colouration. Movement steady and true. BPB and Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Evans Cowley and Lacks' Amazon Drop it Like Its Hot
3rd Ingrams Jojavik Domino Derval
Class14 Junior Bitch(8,6)
1st Broughs' Remesca Route Noir 12mth Br/T. Very tidy bitch, beautiful overall shape, with excellent colouration and markings. Angulation on this young lady allowed for steady true movement. Lovely bitch who I was happy to award Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd Reids' Dobshangrila Rebellion 16mth B/T with good head, nice reach of neck. Angulation and colouration good, lost out on movement to 1.
3rd Gallaghers' Izralight Firedancer
Class 15. Yearling Bitch (4,2)
1st Ingrams Ch Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JW Beautiful B/T bitch, of lovely shape and size, Lovely head, eye and colouration. Angles good fore and aft. The Happiest of all the dogs today. Considered her strongly for top honours but just lost out on movement today.
2nd Reids Dobeshangrila Rebellion
Class 16. Novice Bitch (6,3)
1st Broughs, Remesca Route Noir
2nd Evans Cowley and Lacks, Amazon Drop it Like its Hot
3rd Beales' Newfords Queen Latifa
Class 17. Undergraduate Bitch (4,4)
1st Reids' Dobeshangrila Rebellion
2nd Evans and Butler Ruzuna Fabulous Frankie at Amazon, taller bitch than 1st but well proportioned. Clean head and neck, nice assembly but throwing her front today on the move.
3rd Gallaghers' Izralight Firedancer
Class 18. Post Graduate Bitch (4,2)
1st Evans And Butler Ruzuna Fabulous Frankie
2nd Andrews Supeta's Sweet Lil Mystery JW Nice overall size, a little heavy in head for my liking and movement let her down today.
Class 19.Limit Bitch (4,4)
1st Robinsons Remesca Reet Petite, loved this Br/T bitch, another one which would have gone further if I had more rosettes! Lovely shape and size with everything in the right place, angulation good all round which allowed her to move steady and true. Very pleasing head. Sympathetically and well handled (taught well by the breeder!)
2nd Tyler Chancepixies Angelena. Very smart bitch again with everything in the right place, Just preferred head of 1st.
3rd Wrights' Amazon Faberge with Sealandair JW ShCM
Class 20. Open Bitch (3,3)
1st Jones' Ch Korifey Black Diamond. Super bitch! Not overdone in any-thing and had everything I was looking for. Angles good all round. Lovely shape and size. Good eye shape and pleasing head, lovely clean neck, strong clean topline. Nice Steady mover. Top Notch! Pleased to award her Best Bitch and reserve Best in Show
2nd Ingrams'Ch Jojavik Constanzia JW ShCM Br/T who was a little over-done on the forechest for me, but otherwise a good shape and size. Lost out on movement to 1
3rd Heffernans'Ruzana Blazing Amazing JW ShCM
Judge: Sue Houghton