My sincere thanks to the Officers and committee for affording me this opportunity. Thanks also to my very able stewards for their invaluable assistance in the ring and to everyone who supported this well run show held in such delightful settings. I was delighted to find an abundance of quality throughout the day with finite decisions for awards to be made in some of the higher classes. I awarded Best in Show to Remesca's Rive Gauche owned by Mrs K Brannan & Mrs C Smith, Reserve Best in Show Korifey Brave owned by Ms T Reid and for Best Puppy in Show it was Korifey Amulet owned by Messrs F D & Mrs S Santoriello.
Veteran Dog 1 (0abs)
1st Lainchbury's Ch. Ashlain Makriammos
7½ yrs old black (rust presented in fabulous show condition. A great credit to his owner (breeders. Clean profile showing good muscular condition. Strong head, parallel planes, dark eyes, well placed ears, deep jaw line and correct bite. Forequarters have well laid shoulders, good angles, straight forelegs and strong pasterns. Deep at brisket with ample forechest, correct spring of rib and level back. Rear quarters broad with good width to second thigh and well set hocks. Side gait showed good reach in front with drive from the rear.
Minor Puppy Dog 2 (0abs)
1st Santoriello'sKorifey Amulet
6½ mths. brown (rust. Gave a great first impression for such a youngster, alert expression, superb depth of colour and strong ring presence. Long head, well filled under the eyes with level planes, clean jaw and complete scissor bite. Ear carriage and placement good. Neck is clean, long and lean. Shoulders well laid back, forelegs straight and strong with tight elbows and feet. Body has evidence of forechest, long rib cage, good depth but looking slightly longer in loin at this stage of his development. Back is straight and firm. Rear quarters are well filled over the croup, with good width to thighs, correct turn of stifle and strong hocks. Tail set and carriage compliment his profile. Free moving with balanced, efficient gait showing good limb convergence which made him the class winner today. These qualities took him through to Best Puppy Dog and later after much consideration I awarded him Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Gibbons' Korfey Ammolite
6 ½ mths old and full brother to the class winner. Very similar in type and well capable of changing places in the future. Strong and similar head features to class winner including a correct bite. Clean neckline, well placed shoulders and upper arm. Forelegs are straight with strong bone. Body developing well. Rear quarters have good width and straight hocks. Movement was rhythmic and free viewed from all angles. I preferred the straighter topline and stronger rear action of his brother today.
Puppy Dog3 (0abs)
1stDunn, Bradley & Ingram'sJojavik Super Chief
10½ mths. of age. Good height with an elegant and compact outline. Dark eyes moderately set to give a strong expression. Neat ears with good carriage but could be set on higher. Skull and cheeks are flat, mouth well developed with correct bite. Neck line blends well into withers. Front and rear quarters having good angulation, round bone and strength of pasterns. Body developing well, good ribcage, firm back, good tuck up and well filled croup. Tail set on as a continuation of the spine. Vigorous movement in side profile and shows good reach in front and drives from behind. Just lost out in the challenge for best puppy dog to the minor puppy who showed better limb convergence when moving at optimum speed today.
2nd Gibbons'Korfey Ammolite
Also placed 2nd in minor puppy dog. Previous notes apply 3rdWright'sAmazon American Graffiti with Sealandair.
Junior Dog 6 (1abs)
1st Heffernan'sAvamer Ethan
13mths old with a harmonious outline. Nothing exaggerated. Correct height to length proportions. I found a lot to like about this young male. In particular his clean cut head and alert expression, compact body with good rib cage, firm back and correct tuck up. Forequarters have excellent angulation, straight legs, strong pasterns and tight feet. Rear legs are parallel with good width to thighs and well bent stifles. Tail set on correctly to complete the picture. On the move he was balanced with a free action that had good extension in front and strong drive from the rear. He was a contender in the challenge for best of sex and gave another good performance but I could see he has more maturing to do.
2nd Plummer'sGrafmax Alfie Boe
12ths old with a clean outline, good body proportions and overall condition. Head is long and wedge like with flat skull, correct eye shape and colour, ears are correctly set. Muzzle is long. Bite correct. I preferred the jaw line of the class winner. Forequarters have well laid shoulders, good upper arm, elbows tight to chest giving good reach to front action. Rear quarters solid with straight hocks producing driving power behind.
3rd Bevan'sKhaneve Benedict
Yearling Dog 5 (1abs)
1st Reid'sKorifey Brave (AI) JW
20mths. old. Immediate impact from his general appearance. Bold expression, noble carriage, strength, balance and elegance which caught my eye from the onset. Clean cut head with flat skull, parallel planes, good depth of muzzle and strength in under jaw. Correct scissor bite. Eyes are dark and expressive. Lean, muscular neck without excess dewlap. Forechest developed, good depth of brisket, correct spring of ribs, firm, short, straight back, good coupling and tuck up. Equal length to shoulder blade and upper arm; finished off with excellent muscle development. Forelegs straight with round bone proportionate to his size, finished off with correct pasterns and tight feet. Hindquarters having the correct pelvic angle that provides a well filled croup and tail set. Thighs, broad with hard muscle, correct turn of stifle and length of rear pastern complete the assembly. On the move he showed a free action with true limb convergence, good reach from forequarters; perfectly balanced by his robust rotary drive from the rear, a deciding factor that gained him the class and then the CC from a really strong line up. It appears this was his 3rd gaining him a Champion title subject to KC confirmation.
2nd Brannan & Smith's Remesca Under Pressure
21mths. All male with a big framework but retaining the desired elegance. Classic head shape, clean cheeks, flat skull, dark eyes giving a lovely alert expression. Body needs more time to develop further. He is a sound dog with typical movement when viewed from all directions.
3rd Alp'sAslanim Serafimi Aero
Novice Dog 4 (1abs)
1st Santoriello's Korifey Amulet
Winner of Minor Puppy dog class.
2nd Wright'sAmazon American Graffiti with Sealandair
11mths old. Lovely overall profile and square outline hence being placed in all his classes today. Scoring very highly on head features, angulations, proportions and bone. Body is developing well with adequate depth to brisket, well sprung rib cage and evidence of forechest. Forelegs straight with tight elbows. Hind legs set moderately apart with long well bent stifles. On finding his stride he settled into a balanced, free and vigorous action whilst keeping his back firm.
3rd Alp's Aslanim Serafimi Aero
Undergraduate Dog 3 (0abs)
1st Plummer's Grafmax Alfie Boe
Placed 2nd in junior dog class. See previous notes.
2nd Wright'sAmazon American Graffiti with Sealandair. See previous class notes.
3rd Brannan & Smith's Remesca Under Pressure
Post Graduate Dog 8 (1abs)
1st Layton'sOttia Uptown Funk at Kaistart JW
2yrs old who presented a classic outline of balance and elegance. Compact body with good depth to brisket, short back and coupling, good tuck up. Excellent angulations to front and rear quarters with hard muscular condition throughout. His movement was resilient and vigorous easily confirming his ability to reach in front and drive from behind when viewed coming and going. Much to like about this boy making him a very strong contender in the CC challenge.
2nd Kuhl'sHolyhell's Blue Steel (IMP) JW
14mths old with a good head and typical expression. Body has correct proportions and is developing well. Topline is firm and tail set on correctly. Hindquarters have good width. Presented in excellent muscular condition throughout. A sound moving dog. I preferred the forehand of the class winner today.
3rd Godfrey's Dobshangrila Ronaldo
Limit Dog8 (2abs)
1st Reid'sNerak American Idol JW ShCM
4yrs old and very much filled my eye by his balanced and elegant outline, classic head features, mature frame and hard muscular condition. Close fit to the breed standard with his excellent angulation and square body. Dark eyes with bold expression. Long muzzle, well filled under the eyes, flat cheeks, strong jaw with complete and regular scissor bite. Neck line clean, correct lay of shoulder, deep chest, well ribbed body with firm, straight back, good coupling and correct tuck up. Sound all the way through to his powerful and well angulated rear quarters. A free and easy mover, stepping out with good reach in front, rotary driving action from behind and true limb convergence at optimum speed. He performed well to win the class but loss of concentration in the challenge for best of sex took him out of the frame for top honours today.
2nd Rennie'sKorifey Rennie JW
2yrs old and maturing nicely. Good head, expression, full dentition, correct bite. Square body, strong top line, clean neckline, shoulders well placed, forelegs straight, pasterns strong. Brisket deep, ribs well sprung. A sound mover, coming and going, balanced action with good reach and drive. Just would have liked a little more sparkle from him on the day.
3rd Quigley, Day & Piper's Swnydwr Double Take
Open Dog 11 (4abs)
1st King'sCh Nerak American Dream JW ShCM
4yrs old. Mature brown male with a square outline, presented in excellent coat and muscular condition. Classic head shape, parallel planes, flat skull, good stop and fill under the eyes. Muzzle of equal proportion to skull. Full dentition. Correct bite. Eye shape, colour and placement correct. Calm expression. Ears set and carried correctly. Clean neck, excellent forechest. Shoulder blades and upper arms of equal length; creating correct angulation for the forequarters. Ribs deep and well formed, back firm and short, straight topline sloping slightly from withers to croup, tail set and carried correctly, belly well tucked up. Strong bone, tight elbows and tightest of feet to forelegs. Well developed and muscular hindquarters, well filled croup, long well bent stifles and strong hocks. Powerful mover with good reach in front and strong drive from the rear. Rear legs showed good rotary motion when viewed from the side and behind which secured his class win. In the CC challenge he seemed to have lost his earlier sparkle and stood a little short behind which affected his profile at times. A very worthy resCC winner today.
2nd Fisher'sCh Jojavik Elite Mafia
3yrs old with correct balance and overall proportions. Presented in tiptop condition throughout. Correct height to length proportions. Wedge shaped head with flat, clean skull, level planes. Muzzle deep and just a touch more length would make perfect proportions. Alert expression from well set eyes. Dentition and bite correct. Ears set on correctly. Neck lean, back short, topline firm and sloping slightly towards croup. Body deep with good forechest and well sprung ribs. Tail set on and carried correctly. Strong rear quarters with moderate width, well developed thighs and well filled croup. Another who showed a free, elastic gait with good reach in front and drive from behind.
3rd Ingram'sCh (Ir Jojavik Midnight Express JW ShCM
Veteran Bitch 8 (0abs)
1st Ingram's Tronjeim Belladonna from Jojavik JW ShCM
8yrs and still strutting her stuff like a junior! Of standard height; with elegance, balance and a lively expression. Correct eye shape and set, neat ears, clean neck, body in super condition, well placed shoulders, tight elbows, firm back, well ribbed with good coupling and strong rear quarters. On the move, showed good reach and driving power coming and going. Side view was balanced and effortless which secured her 1st place from a splendid turn out of veterans who were all such a credit to their owners and the breed!
2nd Lainchbury's Ashlain Kazaviti JW ShCM
7½ yrs. Sharing many of the same qualities as the class winner. Particularly liked her overall shape and construction, bone and depth of body. Clean head with good fill under the eyes and flat cheeks. Alert expression. Moved soundly with a balanced action when viewed from all angles but not retaining such firmness in the back as the class winner today.
3rd Webb's Lateagain Sassperella Star at Shallissa ShCM
Minor Puppy Bitch 8 (3abs)
1stCaldicott's Aritaur on a Mission to Philmont
8mths black female who lived up to her mission today! Balanced proportions and showing much potential at this age. Classic head shape; size in proportion to body. Muzzle and skull lines parallel. Bite correct. Dark eyes, ears set high. Compact, square body, shoulders well laid, elbows tight, forelegs straight with ample bone. Back short, tail set on correctly. Rear quarters have a good turn of stifle, width to thighs and a well filled croup. Moved with good reach in front and natural limb convergence when at optimum speed. Returned a consistent performance to win Best Puppy Bitch today.
2nd Jones'Korifey Treasure
6½ mths brown female. Super profile and elegance. Sister to 1st & 2nd in MP dog class. Showing good breed type, excellent coat colour and condition. Deep body with long rib cage, firm back and good tail set. Fore quarters have well placed shoulders, straight forelegs and ample bone. Hind quarters have well filled croup, good thigh width and turn of stifle. A very sound puppy who gave a balanced and vigorous action with good reach in front when viewed from all angles. Another with youngster with potential from this successful breeder.
3rd Wetherall's Kodam Bass
Puppy Bitch 3 (0abs)
1st Ingram'sJojavik Forget Me Not
10mths black female. Quality female with balanced profile. Size of head in proportion to body. Eyes dark and set correctly. Muzzle and skull lines parallel. Correct bite. Tight lips. Neat well set ears add to the alert expression. Good length of neck. Shoulders well set onto deep rib cage. Chest developing, forelegs straight with strong pasterns, tight elbows and feet. Rear quarters have correct angulation and are developing well. True, balanced mover with a good reach to her stride when viewed from side profile. Yet another promising puppy who gave a strong challenge to make it a close decision for Best Puppy Bitch today.
2nd Wall'sJarjarjinx Razamataz
8mths black girl who has both quality and type. I liked her head and expression, small neat and well placed ears, firm backline and good tail set as well as her well laid shoulders, straight forelegs and correctly built rear quarters. Took time to get a balanced stride today but showed her ability to reach and drive when settled. Another to look out for as time goes on.
3rd Ryan-Hoare'sAmazon American Miss for Jimbaros
Junior Bitch 7 (0abs)
1st Tant's Grandeya Aosta
14mths old. Correct height with proud carriage, compact body and elegant profile. Clean head and neck, mouth well developed with correct bite. Almond shapes eyes with a lively expression. Excellent forehand, nice body depth, correct spring of rib, good tuck up and strong topline. Rear quarters also have correct angulation and good width to thighs. Tail set and carried correctly. When moving she showed good reach in front balanced with strong drive and good rotary action from the rear.
2nd Swain'sAckleypark Harmony at Liason
17mths old. A female of good breed type, size and substance. Clean profile with balanced head to body proportions. Head has correct shape and lines. Dark eyes, moderately set with good fill underneath, cheeks and skull flat. Well developed jaw with correct bite. Neck line clean and long. Good length of shoulder forming correct angle with upper arm. Elbows tight, Forelegs straight with strong bone and compact feet. Firm back, good coupling and tail set. Ribs deep and well sprung. Good forechest. Hindquarters have excellent muscle tone, wide thighs and well bent stifles. Movement in side view was easy, free and balanced. Coming and going she showed ample reach in front and strong drive from the rear.
3rdCattermole's Supeta's Phoenix for Kalvadene
Yearling Bitch 4 (0abs)
1st Shaw's Izralight Relight My Fire
20mths black female. Presented with proud carriage, well set body and balanced profile. Darkest of eyes set correctly to create an alert expression. Flat cheeks and forehead. Muzzle long with well developed mouth and correct bite. Elegant neck line, well laid shoulders, good length of upper arm, forelegs straight and strong. Square body with correct tuck up and firm back. Rear quarters; strong and firm with good width to thighs, correct length of stifle, excellent muscle development and firm hocks. Tail set and carried correctly. Movement was free, purposeful and balanced when viewed from all angles.
2nd Barber'sAmazon Chanel for Alcumlow
21mths black female. Also has an impressive outline and well set body. Alert and attentive expression. Head size and shape in proportion to body. Foreface well filled under eyes of correct shape and acceptable colour. Muzzle straight with tight lips, correct dentition and bite. Ears small and set on high. Long neck, good shoulders, deep chest, short back, firm topline, well set tail. Hindquarters have excellent angulation and muscle tone with correct turn of stifle and firm hocks enabling her to produce the power and drive from behind which complimented her easy reaching front action.
3rd Groves'Late again Gold Dust
Novice Bitch 7 (1abs)
1st Evans, Butler & Thompson's Khaneve love Me Like You Do at Amazon
12mths old so just out of puppy class. Compact body with clean cut head, good eye colour shape and set, well developed jaw, full dentition and correct bite. Neck line flows into well placed shoulders. Back is short, firm and straight. Body has good spring of rib, short loin and tuck up. Forehand is correctly angulated with tight elbows, straight forelegs and round bone. Rear legs are moderately set apart with good width to thighs and correct length of stifle. Tail set and carried correctly. Delivered a free and easy action when viewed from all angles
2nd Jones'Korifey Treasure Also placed 2nd in MPB class. See previous notes
3rd Ryan-Hoare's Amazon American Miss for Jimbaros
Undergraduate Bitch 2 (0abs)
1st Evans, Butler & Thompson's Khaneve love Me Like You Do at Amazon Also placed 1st in NB class.
See previous notes
2nd O'Callaghan'sAmber Alpha Ajramor
4 ½ yrs old mature female. Good overall shape with pleasing head, dark eye, correct bite and feminine expression. Neck long and clean. Back firm and level. Well developed rib cage, short coupling and good tuck up. Forelegs straight and strong. Rear legs have well developed muscle and firm hocks. Moved with a brisk, vigorous action making good use of the ring.
Post Graduate Bitch 9 (0abs)
1st Izralight Firedancer JW ShCM
20mths black female. Full sister to yearling class winner. Very similar in type therefore sharing much of the same qualities: well set body and balanced profile. Dark eye set correctly. Good muzzle and skull lines. Flat cheeks and forehead. Has a well developed mouth and correct bite. Long neck, correct lay of shoulder complimented by good length of upper arm. Forelegs straight, pasterns a little upright. Body deep and square, back firm and level. Hindquarters have good width to thighs, correct length of stifle, excellent muscle tone and straight hocks. Tail set and carried correctly. Movement was free and vigorous with power and drive from the rear.
2nd Evans, Thompson & Butler's Ruzuna Fabulous Frankie at Amazon JW 2yrs old quality female. Presents with a neat outline, balance and elegance. Correct height, square body with good forechest developing. Clean head with correct eye shape and set. Alert expression, Muzzle well developed with full dentition and correct bite. Well laid shoulders, firm back, short loin and well filled croup. Rib cage long and deep. Correct rear angulation with straight, firm hocks. I particularly liked her ability to produce a good rotary action from behind.
3rd Brough's Remesca Rouge Noir to Aniraz JW
Limit Bitch 14 (2abs)
1st Kuhl'sNewford's Linda Lovelace JW AW16
3yrs old. Compact and clean in outline and meets the standard for height, balance and elegance. Good head shape with alert expression, deep muzzle, well developed mouth and tight lips. Body square, back firm, ribs well sprung and deep. Correct angulation to front and rear quarters and finished with well toned muscle allowing her to produce the desired reach in front and driving power from behind.
2nd Wright'sAmazon Faberge with Sealandair JW ShCM
3½ yrs old with a strong head, clean outline and alert expression. Robustly built though muscular and elegant with a well set body. Teeth well developed with correct scissor bite. Ribs deep, forechest well developed, back firm and level, slightly longer loin area. Tail set on correctly. Good shoulders with strong bone to forelegs. Rear quarters are sound with correct angles and firm hocks. Produced a steady action with good reach and plenty of drive.
3rd Reid'sDobshangrila Rebellion JW
Open Bitch 13 (3abs)
1st Brannan & Smith's Remesca's Rive Gauche
3yrs black female with an imposing outline that appears compact and tough. I note she is a full sister to 3rd placed female in this class. Balanced height to length proportions. Body deep with well formed rib cage, short, firm back and ample forechest. Head is clean and long, skull flat, cheeks solid with good fill under her dark well set eyes. Muzzle line straight, jaw well defined, full dentition and correct bite. Ears are neat and set on high to complete her lively expression. Forehand has well laid shoulders, tight elbows, straight legs and strong bone. Strongly built rear quarters with well filled croup, good width to thighs and correct turn of stifle. Tail set on and carried correctly. Superbly handled to move with vigour, purpose and balance showing good reach and positive rear drive which took her to 1st place. After much consideration I was delighted to award her the CC. She gave another great performance to win Best in Show after much deliberation on my part.
2nd Jones'Ch. Korifey Black Diamond (AI) JW ShCM
3½ yrs old. Another quality female who closely fits the breed. Has a classic head shape, alert expression, well developed mouth, super neckline into well laid shoulders. Ribs well sprung, brisket deep with good forechest. Loin area slightly longer coupled. Belly tucked up. Straight topline to correct tail set and carriage. Forelegs straight, pasterns strong, feet tight. Correct turn of stifle, firm hocks. Presented in hard muscular condition throughout. Movement was elastic, powerful, balanced and true when viewed from all angles so I was pleased to award her the ResCC today.
3rd Robinson'sRemesca's Reet Petite ShCM