I would like to thank The Dobermann Club for giving me this opportunity to judge at this special show, thank you to the committee for a well organised event and also thank you to my stewards who did an excellent job. We were well blessed with the weather which always helps when it is an outdoor venue.
I was pleased with my principle winners and in some classes good dogs had to go unplaced. It was interesting to have a champion class for both dogs and bitches and all entrants were worthy of their crowns, although there was a lot of breed variation amongst the champions.
I found the younger dog classes lacking quality and the bitches were better in breed type generally. More attention should be paid to the general shape of the Dobermann according to the breed standard. Too many were long in loin and had too much exaggeration in angulation, this led to crabbing, overreaching and not enough rear drive when moving. Heads were not always breed typical, round or sometimes deep set eyes which didn’t give the desired expression. Over use of bait sometimes led to me struggling to assess mouths correctly. Mouths and general temperaments were good but many exhibits lacked the necessary breed alertness, not even noticing when I passed by. In some cases handlers really let their exhibits down by not getting the best from their dogs. A triangle allows the judge to assess rear, side and front movement! And there were the over handlers, moving dogs too fast, making it difficult to assess how they move adequately. Striking the balance when handling can be difficult. On the whole you all turned your dogs out beautifully and did your very best and I thank you for the privilege of being able to judge your dogs.
Four lovely veteran dogs a pleasure to go over and all special in their own way.
1 JONES’ CH AMAZON RUSSIAN ICE JW superb dog in excellent condition. Breed typical head with good head planes, strong muzzle, correctly set well carried ears. Clean nicely arched neck, strong topline, well balanced front to rear angulation, with enough forechest. Overall pleasing picture which he held on the move. Moved with ease. Pleased to award him Best Veteran.
2 LAINCHBURY’S CH ASHLAIN MAKRIAMMOS JW ShCM. Very strong headed dog. Very well balanced, pleasing front and rear angulation with strong pasterns. Liked his slightly sloping topline and good tailset. Moved very well. Lovely dog.
1 JONES’ KORIFEY DARK KNIGHT. Pleasing young dog. Quite good head with good head planes, well placed ears just a little narrow at present, needs time to strengthen and develop. Good front and rear angulation with strong front pasterns and correct length of rear pastern. Quite well sprung rib, reasonable topline with good tailset. Moved quite well. Lovely youngster just needs time to mature.
2 DAVENPORT’S ARITAUR SLINGSBY. Very young boy, showing immaturity as yet. But a pleasing all round youngster. Moved quite well. Will watch his progress with interest.
1 MYCROFT & BROWN’S SUPETA’S BACKSTABBER Good square dog! Strong head with keen expression, never missed anything. Excellent body shape well let down to elbow. Strong limbs with round bone. Just needs to strengthen at the rear, although good angulation matching front so achieving the desired Dobermann outline. Excellent mover.
2 EDYVEANE’S JOJAVIK VICTORRIZZI AT KATEAMEAD Another pleasing youngster. Looking less mature than 1. Liked his general appearance although longer in loin . Moved quite well.
1 Richardson’s Jasprico French Rebellion. Pleasing young dog of correct height and type. Pleasing head with good head planes, would have liked him to use more expression. Good reach of neck. Liked his general outline. Good top line with enough chest. Superb rear angulation with correct hock joint height. Moved steady and very well.
2 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly (AI) Much heavier dog. Sound general appearance but not so good on the move today.
3 Payne’s Khaneve Black Ice At Riddinca. Liked this one’s head and expression. Just quite light in frame.
Very varied class. All 3 different
1 Dunn, Bradley & Ingram’s Jojavik Super Chief JW ShCM Quite an imposing dog. Very strong head especially in skull. Pleasing neck length and carriage. Well let down to elbow with strong body. A little too long in loin. Quite good rear angulation. Good topline. Moved reasonably well.
2 Murray’s Luftez Solstice Totally different in breed type to 1. Short coupled dog but not enough chest sadly. Liked his front and rear angulation balance . He moved well keeping his shape on the move.
3 Billington’s Luftez Meridian For Yriex
1 Remington,s Granadeya Monte Bianco Quite a tall dog. Pleasing head and expression. Deep in chest Short coupled. Moved okay.
1 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriously Costly (AI)
2 Gibbons’ Korifey Ammolite. Lovely brown dog. Lovely head and expression. Quite a big lad well put together and moved quite well.
3 Hemmings & Radford’s Luftez Astronomy
1 Groves & Lafford Lateagain Satisfaction good shape and size. Liked his head shape and expression. Well balanced angulation front and rear. Enough chest and slightly sloping topline and correct tailset. Rear assembly on the dog was extremely good right from croup to foot. Punchy outline that gives the feeling of power. Moved well. Pleased to award him RCC.
2 Bevans’ Khaneve Benidict Brown dog. Just a little lethargic today. Very good quality with short coupling . Good balanced angulation , not over done in any way. Moved okay
3 Wright Amazon Graffiti With Sealandair
LIMIT DOG (4,1abs)
1 Jones’ Korifey Amulet JW Beautiful brown dog. Good head with expression flowing into elegant neck carriage. Good angulation front and rear and enough let down to elbow and enough chest. Moved well and kept shape on the move.
2 Layton’s Ottia Uptown Funk At Kaistart JW another excellent dog, pleasing expression and strength to head. Excellent Dobermann shape, good angulation front and rear, good topline and tailset, well balanced. Just needs steadier calmer movement, nevertheless all Dobermann.
3 Capell’s Ruzuna Amazing Valour In Llepac
1 Morgan’s Newfords Moves Like Jagger at Calonmac. Liked this dog a lot. Correctly medium sized, balanced and square pleasing head with good head planes and Dobe expression. Well angulated front and rear, good topline and tailset, strong rear quarters which enabled him to move correctly. Handler needs to concentrate on steadying the dog on the move and getting the very best from him. Very pleased to award him the Dog CC and ultimately BIS.
2 Tyler’s Jojavik Bulletproof Bomb JW ShCM. Much bigger dog, liked his overall appearance just a little heavy in head. Nice reach of neck, good topline and tailset, strong in front pastern and correct length of rear pastern to hock joint. Moved quite well.
3 Caldicott’s Amazon Russian Roulette with Philmont
4 Sharp’s Martifer’s Pot NoodleJW ShCM
1 CH Korifey Brave (AI) JW. Liked this dog a lot, of good breed type. Strong head with hard expression, well balanced with good reach of neck, correct topline and tailset, pleasing angulation front and rear. Moved well.
2 CH Korifey Onyx JW (AI). Another good dog who moved well. Liked his head, general body shape and general appearance. A little too soft in expression in comparison to 1. Fit and active dog who moved very well and was handled to perfection.
3 CH/IR Jojavik Midnight Express JW ShCM
1 Ch Ottia Lady Gaga. Beautiful girl, moved well, covered the ground with ease. Feminine Dobe head, strong front, still got good pasterns. Nicely balanced, moved very well.
2 CH Tronjheim Belladonna From Jojavik JW ShCM. Good quality bitch of correct size and shape. Pleasing neckline into shoulder with good front assembly. Good topline and tailset, moved very well.
3 Branchouse Spanish Lace
1 Wall Jarjarjinx Tutti Frutti. Pleasing youngster, good head, good front for one so young. Correct body lines, superb topline and tailset, moved quite well, started to settle as the class progressed.
2 Plummer Aritaur Ginerosity. Another lovely youngster, again good body lines although different in type. Feminine head with level head planes, neat ears. Moved well for one so young.
PUPPY BITCH (6, 2abs)
All four puppies pleased me, they were quite varied in breed type but will all surely change places many times through their career.
1 Everley’s Manzart Vogue. Striking young bitch of excellent shape and breed type. Quality head with good chiselling and excellent eye shape. Good reach of neck, superb body lines, well balanced with correct angulation front and rear, strong pasterns, correct height of hock joint. Moved well and covered the ground with ease, pleased to award her BPB and BPIS.
2 King Nerak Pocket Full Of Dreams. Another excellent puppy, slightly different in breed type, liked her head again with good chiselling and keen expression. Short coupled with good front and rear angulation, excellent strength of pastern, moved very well.
3 Tousent & Ingram Jojavik Camorra
Another pleasing class of quality bitches, places will change many times in the future.
1 Evans, Pittendrigh & Bloore Amazon Let Me Love You. She stood out in her class. Well balanced, mature looking of good breed type. Expressive head, with good head planes. Excellent reach of neck, good topline, correct front and rear angulation, well let down to hock, nice turn of stifle. Moved extremely well. Pleased to award her RCC today.
2 Fisher’s Jojavik Modesty Blaise. Another quality bitch, again stood out in this class. Although smaller in shaper than 1, still had good quality about her. Good head, excellent neck and topline, good front and rear angulation, well balanced. Moved quite well once handler steadied her.
3 Ryman Dobehaven Memphis Belle
1 Shaw Gracelands Chocolate Drop. Really liked this quality bitch. Good head planes and keen expression, excellent reach of neck. Short coupled, strong pasterns, balanced angulation front and rear, enough of her without being heavy. Moved out very well.
2 Ingram’s Jojavik Forget Me Not JW ShCM. Another excellent bitch. Good head and reach of neck, strong topline and good tailset. Slightly lighter framed than 1, of good breed type. Moved well.
3 Carpenter & Barber Luftez Pandora
NOVICE BITCH (7, 3abs)
1 King’s Nerak Pocket Full Of Dreams
2 Everley’s Manzart Voodoo Magic. Excellent bitch of good breed type. Superb shape and presence, liked her head and expression, good reach of neck. Moved very well.
3 Ryman’s Dobehaven Sea Pearl
1 Swain’s Ackleypark Harmony At Liason. Quality bitch of good breed type. Feminine head with good head planes, liked her expression. Well balanced front and rear angulation, moved quite well.
2 Caldicott’s Aritaur On A Mission To Philmont. Another quality bitch, liked her head and breed typical bodylines. Good topline and tailset, all round quality dog. Moved quite well.
3 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Stunin(AI)
1 Massey’s Jojavik Kissy Suzuki ShCM. Striking bitch, not overdone in any way, of correct size. Classic Dobermann head, level planes, expressive eyes and neat ears. Well angulated front with strong pasterns. Good topline and tailset, well balanced rear. Moved out very well, pushed hard in the challenge.
2 Wilson’s Granadeya Val Veny At Pursang. Another quality bitch, a pleasure to go over. Pleasing head and expression. Nicely balanced with good front and rear angulation. Moved well.
3 Morgan’s Korifey Opium
LIMIT BITCH ( 11, 1abs)
Good class, many good bitches having to go cardless.
1 Lainchbury’s Ashlain Trypiti. Lovely outline to this bitch, showing maturity and strength. Classic head with good expression. Strong front pasterns and equally correct length of rear pasterns, balanced front to rear angulation. Positive and honest mover, a pleasure to go over.
2 Groves’ Lateagain Gold Dust JW. Another quality bitch, level head planes with keen expression. Square, balanced, not overdone in any way. Correct topline and tailset. Moved very well. Good honest bitch.
3 Quigley, Day & Piper Swnydwr’s Dancing Queen
OPEN BITCH (9, 1abs)
1 Groves’ Lateagain Heart Of Gold. Free standing bitch with excellent front, good bone, strong pastern. Strong topline with well placed tailset. Good overall Dobermann type. Liked her head, good level head planes, strong muzzle, well filled under the eye, keen expression, correctly placed ears. Moved out very well. Pleased to award her Bitch CC and RBIS.
2 Evans, Butler & Thompson Ruzuna Fabulous Frankie At Amazon JW. Quality bitch, short coupled, well balanced front to rear. Strong body of classic shape. Good head with level planes and nice dark eye. Moved extremely well, keeping her shape on the move.
3 Balshaw’s Remesca’s Vida Loca JW ShCM
All beautiful bitches in their own right. Quite a lot of variation amongst them.
1 Brough’s Ch Remesca Rouge Noir To Aniiraz. Lovely brown bitch with classic head and expression. Pleasing body lines, good bone and straight limbs. Moved well.
2 Jones’ Ch Koifey Black Diamond (AI) JW ShCM. Another good quality bitch. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulder, strong pasterns. Strong topline and tailset. Moved very well.
3 Ingram’s Ch Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JWShCM
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (JD) ALCUMLOW.